Wednesday, 2 August 2017

How Can You Treat Your Vetiligo Naturally?

Vitiligo is known as a "complex trifecta" of oxidative stress, genetics, and autoimmunity, according to new research that hints that there are treatment options on the horizon.

According to MedScape, there are more than 50 genetic loci identified that predispose a person to vitiligo, most are considered to be immune-regulating genes that affect melanocyte function, said Pearl Grimes, MD, director of the Vitiligo & Pigmentation Institute of Southern California in Los Angeles.
In the present, there are 2 million to 5 million people in the United States affected by vitiligo, but there is not a single drug for repigmentation approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.
BUT it doesn’t have to be that way anymore.

In the video below I will share with you the discoveries I made that freed me of my vitiligo and gave me my life back. You will learn how thousands of people from over the globe have used my ground-breaking system to immediately stop the spread of vitiligo and regain their natural skin color in as quickly as 7 days!